Sunday, February 12, 2006


So, today I'm feeling sickish, Mark is in Virginia, and Elspeth has already needed to have her clothes changed twice. Looking like that kind of day. Also, despite having been logged in for a total of 16 hours, I haven't gotten even ONE interpreting call, and thus, I make no money at this job. I've used some of that time to finish the test translation for Wortham sensei tho...Mark went over it with a fine-tooth comb for English grammar last night, and tomorrow I'm going to get somebody who knows Japanese to go over it to make sure I didn't make any translation mistakes. Then I can send it in, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY they'll give me some work. We need the money, and I do NOT want to have to put Elspeth in daycare. Not until she's at least twelve months old, and not even then if I can help it...despite being bold, outgoing, and college-educated, I'd really prefer to be a stay at home mom.

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